Spike Slayer

Remove any golf spike in seconds!

Ready to License or Manufacture

The engineering and patent work is complete!

Spike Slayer is ready for licensing or manufacturing today.



See Spike Slayer in action. This 3D animated video will provide a detailed look at the features and benefits of this invention.


The invention allows you to remove golf spikes, no matter their condition, without struggle! It’s as simple as grip and twist. Spikes wear out before your shoes. Worn spikes can be impossible to remove with existing wrenches. But now, you can save time and money with the Spike Slayer. Slay any spike in seconds and be back on the course with sure footed confidence!


Introducing… the Spike Slayer!

Contact us NOW to learn about manufacturing, retail, wholesale, distribution, or licensing opportunities for Spike Slayer.

  • Removes Golf Spikes, No Matter Their Condition, Without Struggle

  • 45 Degree Angled Teeth

  • Just Grip and Twist

  • Eliminates Frustration

  • Saves Time and Money

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor and golf enthusiast, Terry Schmitt, of Raleigh, NC has created a new golf spike removal tool for golf shoes.

Over time, golf spikes wear down and become difficult to remove. After wrestling with his son’s worn-out golf spike for nearly 30 minutes, Terry just knew there had to be a better way. In turn, he was inspired to develop the Spike Slayer!

The invention is a tool thoughtfully designed to remove even the most stubborn, worn golf spikes in under five seconds. The tool turns a once tedious task into a seamless process. With just a simple twisting motion, the spike can be removed and a new one installed. Now you can slay any spike in seconds and be back on the course with sure footed confidence!

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